Description: | Painting Contractors Need Proof of Insurance : Many painting contractors will indicate they are insured, Pro Color Painting presents you with a copy of our policy, stating the carrier and amount of coverage. Any type of construction, painting service or waterproofing can be an accident waiting to happen; make sure your painting contractor is adequately licensed & insured. Ask for proof that you’re protected. If the paint contractor hesitates; find another.
2. Trusted Painting Contractors Have References
Pro Color Paint Contractors have many AAA+ references, awards, 5 star ratings and great reviews! Over the years we, have established a proven track record of a Jacksonville painting contractor who cares about producing quality and efficiently! From builders, management companies, investors, homeowners, local business owners, HOA to national chain companies; ALL agree; Pro Color Painting Contractors are the right choice in Jacksonville painters!
3. Established Painting Contractors Need a Website
A painting contractor's website should include details about products, warranties, reviews and photos, list of services, local contact information. Most often this can indicate that a painting contractor is well established and will be around for many years to come. Pro Color Painting has five websites!
4. Painting Contractors Offer Detailed Quotes
The scope or painting quote should be detailed upfront. Make sure to ask questions if it is not. And be sure to get the job's whole scope in writing. Don’t rely on verbal agreements or assumptions; professional painting contractors offer details with the scope of work.