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soy wax candles

Title: soy wax candles
URL: https://hebebotanica.com/
Description: Before you learn how to exfoliate your body, you should first know all about the benefits it can provide. As mentioned before, if you don't exfoliate your skin every so often, dead skin cells will start to build up on the surface of your body. This happens because your skin cells are always turning over. The turnover process involves the lifecycle of each skin cell. When a layer of skin cells gets old enough, it will slough off and be replaced with a new, fresh layer of skin. Skin cells tend to turn over once every few weeks. However, we don't usually notice when our skin cells turn over because they don't do so all at once. Otherwise, we would be a lot like snakes and we would shed our skin every few weeks, revealing a shiny new layer underneath. Instead, because skin cells are shed at different times, our skin looks more or less the same no matter what week it is.

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