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And giving credit where credit is due

Title: And giving credit where credit is due
URL: http://www.airsoftontario.com
Description: And giving credit where credit is due Back in August this blog passed its one year anniversary. Just a couple of weeks ago I uploaded my 500th post. It suddenly dawned on me that I not just dipping my toe into the waters of the web at this point. It was clear that it was time to take things up a notch and give my corner of the internet a fresh coat of paint. I remembered a font she found online and asked her to build a new clog blog logo for me. (Would that be a "clogo"?) What she came up with in only a few swishes of a mouse was grand, but by itself it looked naked. Or perhaps the term would be "unshod." Clearly there needed to be an image or two of our favorite footwear to go with it. What to do? A photo of clogs didn seem appropriate. And besides photography is not my strong suit (one of the major reasons I don post many photos of my own). It was clear that a tasty artistic rendering would be just the thing. My next step was to nose around online to see if there were any imag

Latest News:

January 23, 2015 : Strong Google indexing of our free web directory, strong domain and page authority along with the old PageRank 1.
January 22, 2015 : I extended the registration period until January 2016.
January 15, 2014 : I extended the registration period until 2015.
December 22, 2013 : Welcome Mark, our new editor, hopefully review time will be cut down from currently 5 months.
November 14, 2013 : If you really want to remove a link you can contact me at reg email.