Colleges and Universities
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The Bishop Carroll boys basketball team was eliminated inside the very first round with the PIAA Class A playoffs using a 5747 loss to Johnsonburg Friday evening at Clarion University Tippin Gymnasium.effort often keeps us in the game, Bishop Carroll head coach Cosie Aliquo stated. just came down that just about every time we had a likelihood, we turned it more than. I think there had been three or for times we had a likelihood to cut it from six to 4, 4 to two, and we didn get it completed. Johnsonburg (235) led the entire second half and jumped out by eight, 4840, early in the fourth quarter.Eight turnovers by the Rams in the fourth quarter kept them from pulling away. Even so, Bishop Carroll couldn take benefit.Bishop Carroll managed to obtain its deficit reduce in half, at 4844, after Ryan Lauer and Mitchell Madonna each and every hit two absolutely free throws. The Huskies had a likelihood to draw closer followi - [Read More] |
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